1984 1984 was written by George Orwell around a grim future in which great deal are controlled by a companionship known as the brotherhood which is led by do-or-die(a) Brother. The background of the hi narration is that nuclear war has ravaged the universe of discourse and three superpowers have arisen out of the rubble, Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia, all of which are at war with each other. The leading party in Oceania, where the story take place, exerts and maintains its power through such proficiencys as the Spies, a youth group that encourages children to report adults, including their parents, to the party officials.

Another technique is the thought police, who observe and spy on society and repay out those who have thoughts against the party. The party engages in many activities that people would watch blatantly wrong. These include the changing of history with the object of reservation the party look good. The worst thing about the party is that it makes up the things it has the people believe through its telec...If you lack to achieve a full essay, order it on our website:
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